Monday, December 19, 2005

Chickens can the peaches

I never have been a big fan of the Peach Bowl. I don't even like peaches. But in a way it saddens me to read that the Dec. 30 game between Miami and LSU will be the last time the bowl will sport the peachy name. Beginning next year, the Atlanta-based bowl game that pits and AAC team against an SEC squad will have a more foul-sounding moniker. Chick-fil-A, the corporate sponsor of the post-season game since 1997, has increased its financial backing in order to have its name be the sole title of the game. The increased support along with an extended deal with Peach Bowl officials will allow the restaurant chain to call the game the Chick-fil-A Bowl, dropping the Peach name all together. This is a growing trend among bowl sponsors given that many media outlets often leave out the name of the corporate sponsor when referencing the game. Bowl officials also are looking to make a push to have the bowl included in the national title game rotation when the BCS expands to five games in 2006. Some reports say it could cost Chick-fil-A an extra $18 million to be a part of the BCS. For a chicken sandwich shop to spend that much cash on a football game, maybe it should start opening on Sunday.


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