Someone just pointed out to me that if I’m going to maintain a football blog, I should at least post a Super Bowl pick. Someone else mentioned something about all of the Steelers-related stories this week, saying I haven’t even mentioned Pittsburgh’s opponents. So, here’s a few mentions about the…tell me again who the Steelers playing. Oh, yeah, the Seahawks. So here goes: Seahawks, Seahawks, Seahawks, Seahawks, Seahawks, Seahawks, Seahawks, Seahawks. How’s that? One thing that might thrill Seahawks bandwagon jumpers is an observation I’ve made in the past week. Based upon the people I’ve seen wearing Pittsburgh jerseys, T-shirts and caps this week, the Steelers must have the ugliest fans in the NFL. I don’t know if there are any scientific studies to back that up, but it should be studied by someone. Anyway, my Super Bowl pick: I have Jerome Bettis gut-sized feeling the Steelers will win. The score: Steelers 36 (Bettis’ jersey number) Seahawks 12 (for the 12th Man Texas A&M is working to keep Seattle from using.) My other Super Sunday prediction -- or maybe it’s a wish -- is that there will be a wardrobe malfunction in the Lingerie Bowl. Oh, and in that game, I’m picking the Dallas Desire to defeat the Los Angeles Temptation by a string bikini.