Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Red Right 88 is not in the playbook

Think you can quarterback the Cleveland Browns through the playoffs and into the Super Bowl? You'd be the first. The Browns have a storied past, but unfortunately stories of good times and winning have remained in Cleveland's history. Nothing much good has happened for the Brownies since Jim Brown decided to take up acting. They've had their moments of hope, but those moments have ended in disaster. Remember Red Right 88? The Drive? The Fumble? The Move? Jeez! Even Bill Belichick failed as a head coach in Cleveland. Forget the Red Sox. The Browns truly are cursed. Well now you can turn things around in Cleveland, sort of. The Browns have a cool video game on their Web site that allows players to pick from four plays – sounds like the team's entire offensive playbook – and quarterback the Brownies down the field and ultimately into the Super Bowl. The game is pretty tough at first, and the receivers are slow and run poor routes. But give it a try. If you can secure a Lombardi trophy for Cleveland, you'll be more popular than Bernie Kosar ever was in the Forest City. Play the Game

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